This page has become a part of the project 24 Hours of Democracy. Thank you for being involved. [Image]Previous Next Index[Image] Editorial for the month of February 1996 First Amendment Rights Once again the Federal Government has tried to legislate morality. It didn't work during prohibition. In fact all it did was establish an organized crime ring that still exists today, despite years of attempts to eradicate it. It hasn't worked in the abortion issue. No matter which side the legislators land on, there is dissension. And so it goes with the advent of this ridiculous telecommunications legislation. What people tend to forget is that the Internet is a global media. People from different cultures and different societal norms exist in this electronic ooze we call the Net. As a nation we do get called on from time to time to be the worlds cops. And as the sole survivor of the cold war, we do have certain bragging rights. But, that is all that we should have. We are NOT the world police. We SHOULD NOT be the world police. It seems a shame that the greatest gathering of the knowledge of our known world, since the library at Alexandria in the third century BC, now has a black mark against it. I often wonder what gets into our psyches as Americans that makes us think that we have a lock on the moralistic bounds of the world. Might does not make right. We are taught this from the first grade on. If might did make right then America wouldn't have begun in the first place. There are those who will think that I am in favor of all flavors of sexual predilections. That I don't care what our children see and are exposed to. Quite the contrary is true. I do care what my child sees. That is why I work with him to understand what the bounds are for his age. He's eleven. I don't just abandon him to the keyboard allowing it to become a very cheap sitter. I am involved in what he sees and learns. By doing this I am ensuring that when he does move out from under my tutelage he has a good grounding in what is right and what is wrong based on our combined values. That is the best any of us can hope for. If this were true for the majority of the American families, American families wouldn't be in the decrepit state that they are in now. This law is unnecessary and uncalled for. As a nation we should rise above this kind of constitutional preening. If these sights are so depraved, why are they the most visited sites in the world? If the people that visited these sites are as depraved as the sites were, what will become of them now? What has over fifty years of psychological study told us about repression? This is a good thing? No, I don't think so. I don't claim to have all of the answers, but I do claim to have a pretty good idea about the freedoms this country is SUPPOSED to afford it's citizens, and this is not it. Come on, wake up America. Let freedom ring. De Stewart RETURN